Thursday, July 21, 2005

Craziness and the Mets

First, one of the things that I have noticed over the last few days (2 to be exact) is that there are a lot more police personnel on the subway. Yesterday there were police on a few of the stops. Today there were police on every stop. Today, there were actually random stops of the subway and police boarding the trains to walk through them. Today was a little weird!

Second, last night I continued my "adventures in NY" by going to Shea Stadium (home of the Mets). This was the first time that I was in a stadium in NY and the first time I ever got to see the Mets. Some of you may know that the Mets were my favorite team growing up, so this was fun. To top it off, we were sitting in the 11th row from the field directly behind the batter's box! If you were able to receive the game, you would have seen me on TV. How did I find myself with such a great tcket you may ask? A friend of a friend worked down the hall from a friend whos brother owns a box (yeah, he owns it - his name is actually on the seats). NY works in strange ways!

Tonight I am hoping to go back home and sleep, clean, organize. I hope to have internet in my apartment this weekend or early next week. This will make things MUCH easier from home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been to Yankee Stadium but never Shea. Never been to an NL game either. Sounds like awesome seats -- hopefully there will be more Mets games in the future!

Its in the news all over that NYC will have increased police presence, dogs, and searches on the subway system. Stay cool and roll with it.