Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Books are to People like Dick Cheney is to George on the Apprentice

So now that I am out of school, out of 9 years of higher education, I have begun reading a lot more. I know this is hard to believe, having been through law school and the like, but I feel as if I am reading a lot more now than when I was in Law School. Maybe it is because I am retaining a lot more of the information or maybe it is just that I am enjoying the books now that I have the time to read them.

Since starting to read more I have discovered that many of the characters in the books closely resemble many of my friends. Maybe this is true for everyone, but we all have a Red Queen from "Through the Looking Glass"; we all have a Lyra from "The Golden Compass"; and we all most definately have a Draco Malfoy from "Harry Potter."
So the question is whether we enjoy these books because of the closeness they resemble to the characters in our real life or something else. I dont know the answer, but I will continue to make parallels between the book fantasy world and that of my "real" life.


Anonymous said...

Am I Lyra? Because Ray would be my Pan.

Professor Bacher said...

No, you are not innocent enough - or I have not gotten to the point in the series when she has lost her innocence. Maybe that will come in the next book.

Lyra is innocence;
Red Queen is arrogance; and
Draco is ignorance.

Anonymous said...

I am so innocent! I thought New Orleans was on the East Coast - that's how innocent I am!

And when you say "Through the Looking Glass" - are you talking Lewis Carroll?

Anonymous said...

Do you draw a parallel with me to anyone? I feel left out. :)

Not really

Professor Bacher said...

I was referring to Alice Through The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll.

Christie - You would be closer to Alice in Through the Looking Glass because of your unique and sometimes backwards view of the world (this is not a bad thing - in fact I would much rather look through the world in your "rose" colored glasses!).

Anonymous said...

Who's sitting around reading Lewis Carroll? You are crazy Jamie. So does this make me the Red Queen? I want to be Lyra, we're so alike. Or I want to be Ron.

Anonymous said...

Or Penelope Cruz in the Da Vinci Code. I haven't read it, but I believe Penelope and I have a lot in common - like big hooters and what all.