Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I think that it is a brilliant idea to shut down the subway. I think that it is a brilliant idea to prevent people from being able to get to work. I think that it is brilliant to take advantage of the system and break the law.

The picture on the right is of my street (Madison Ave) looking towards the Bronx. This picture was taken at the intersection of 38th and Madison. Normally there is traffic up and down with no place to go. However, on this day (at 12:00pm nonetheless) there is nothing but a postal car, people walking in the road, and rollerblading. Maybe this strike thing isn't all that bad at all! I was able to get a lot more work done today because there was no noise.

This is a view down Madison Ave towards Manhattan. As you can see, the police are at every intersection preventing people from driving down Madison Ave. What a great idea!

Last I heard, the Union has offered 3, 4, 31/2 percent raises (annually) for each of the next 3 years. In addition, they are asking that new hires pay 6% of their salary to the pension plan (2% is required right now). In addition, the MTA has agreed to give MLK day as a paid holiday and also to keep retirement at 55 years of age.
For current MTA workers, this will result in NO CHANGE! Oh yeah, in addition, the Union wants less numbers of disciplinary proceedings brought against its members. It will only effect new hires. However, the Union NOW wants 4, 4, 4 raises, the retirement age lowered to 50 and no more money added to the pensions. WTF!

I must say that I would love the idea of retiring at 55 or 50! I would work 5 days a week, 40 hours a week, make 40k with full benefits and never having to worry about being fired in return for a pension...then I would go to law school and start my 2nd career.

I know I know that I am not pro-union, but come on! This is not fair bargaining. You can say what you want about Unions and about Management. The reality of the situation here is that the Union is breaking the law (The Taylor Law) and hurting those people who are struggling the most to make it here - those of us who commute from one of the boroughs.


Anonymous said...

As my sociology prof once told me about the effects of the steel mills closing in Youngstown: You are too close to it to be objective.

Of course, I wanted to rip his fool head off. Especially because the fool had a point.

Anonymous said...

alright, I was just taunting you. This situation sucks!

Professor Bacher said...

Yes it does, and it honestly has nothing to do with being too close. The Union shot itself in the foot. No one is for thise strike, except those who are striking because they are being told this is a good thing.

This strike is going to bankrupt the Union. The International Charter of the TWU has condemned the NY chapter and told them to get back to work. The court is fining the Union $1 million each day and each individual worker is being fined 2 days of work for every day they are out.

Anonymous said...

Just another example of a good idea gone sour. The union is an outdated institution that should be sent out to pasture. When the majority of those using the transit sytem are receiving poor benefits, the union shouldn't expect them to be sympathetic to their cause.