Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11

Happy September 11th! Isn't that what it seems like? Everywhere you go you hear about people remembering the events that killed nearly 3000 people. I disagree with the way that this day is being remembered. I don't think any of those people would want so many to continue to mourn. This is a day to reflect, not to mourn. Wake up...look in the mirror...realize how lucky you are to live where you do...and live the rest of your days with that viewpoint.

When I walk around in mid-town today, that is what I am thinking. I still get chills thinking about the day. I cannot imagine what it felt like to be here 5 years ago (I was upstate). But I think we need to move on and stop mourning - but never forget.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

While I personally agree with you my man, if I've learned one thing this year, it's that people who try to tell others how they should mourn, are assholes.