Wednesday, December 14, 2005

So Little Time

Kristen, Dave and Hilary...I am sorry that it has taken so long to update this.

I never thought that anyone actually read this, until Dave pointed it out to me.

So many things have happened, I just figured that I would catch up with everyone around Christmas and New Years. I booked my flight a few weeks back and I will be around Cleveland for Christmas, flying back to New York on Monday and then flying back to Cleveland Friday before New Years. With the low cost of flights, I was able to do pretty well on the price and figured what the heck.

Since last I posted, all sorts of things have gone on. I got sick in the subway, saw a woman being carried off of the subway because she was THAT drunk, and saw a woman's purse get stuck in the subway door and taken down the tunnel. There are also other things that are going on that may require me to leave my "lap of luxery," but I would rather not jinx it.

Also since I last posted, I had the honor of meeting Jason's woman (Bree) and I have subsequently tried to figure out how he could get such a great woman to fall for him - then I remembered what he was like in High School and it all made sense (he has a big penis).

Must go back to work now because the boss is trying to figure out why I am typing so much - since I am supposed to be dictating.


Anonymous said...

I'm tired of playing tag with you. Just come home already and I will rub my boobs on you. I still haven't seen Narnia. Catching up on ROME and Ray getting drunk at his Xmas party have kept me away.

Anonymous said...

wow! activity on the James Blog! Woo-hoo! If I hadn't seen you last month, I might have thought you were still at the movies, watching Harry Potter for the 35th time!

Anonymous said...

Jamie, how do you know what Jason's Johnson was like in high school?

jessafran said...

jam- i hate to point out the obvious... but your self esteem should be doing much better because haven went from jason crush to homecoming with you...

so we can leave specualtion on penis size to imagination and consider yourself flattered

Anonymous said...

... or consider yourself gay.

Anonymous said...

no comment

Professor Bacher said...

Um...Haven took me over Jason, but then left us both for Tony Capo - not too high self-esteem there! hahah

jessafran said...

at least you still rank above jason. just somewhere below tony capo.. who eventually didn't take her home until like 3 hours after her curfew and then wouldn't drop her off in the driveway to avoid the wrath of kathy... hmmm... i wonder if he's still making pie in geneva.

Anonymous said...

Wow. When I woke up this morning I never thought I'd be reading about my schwantz. More disturbing still is that it's on Jamie's blog. By the way, I think he must have me confused with another Jason.

Anonymous said...

maybe Jason Bacher? They're brothers...I'm sure they have seen each other naked...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jamie...and Yes, it's all about the peen.