Friday, September 09, 2005

What about the Nearby towns and the Old people?

Here is one for all of you "blamers."

One of the nearby towns by New Orleans closed down its main road shortly before the storm hit for fear of people from New Orleans entering the town and causing destruction. The police chief actually said that if he would have allowed people into the town it would now look like New Orleans - ravaged, pillaged, and a war zone. This prevented people from leaving New Orleans. Was this decision by a local government wrong?

A nearby old citizen's home was found the other day with 100 senior citizens dead in their beds. Seems that the workers left all of the old people behind. I guess they were thinking "survival of the fittest."

There are a lot of local decisions that were made in this case, most of which had nothing to do with the Federal Government - yet people always blame the top guy. The buck does stop there, but how can it always stop there even when he has nothing to do with it.

As Rush says: The Federal Government is a bureaucracy...Where did this expectation of excellence come from?

The other thing to keep in mind is that when there were 4 storms in Florida last year there was NO issues of riots. People lost their homes. People lost their lives. People survived. The reality is that there was no complaining about FEMA. Why is this one so different? Because of how HUGE it was.


Anonymous said...

How about Mike Brown waiting 5 hours before dispatching assistance, then telling them they have up to 48 hours to show up?

If you called 911, and sought emergency assistance, how would you feel if the dispatcher contacted an ambulance service five hours after your call, then told them to get there whenever they can in the next couple of days?

No sense of urgency whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

How much time do you have on your hands? You're even less busy than I am aren't you? And I'm wasting time looking at art prints on

Anonymous said...

More BS Jaimie. Everyone knew well in advance that this storm was coming to shore and that it was big. Everyone also that the area was ill prepared for the storm, especially when you consider that many forcasts had the storm hitting New Orleans directly. The institutions in place failed and someone needs to be put on the block. There has to be some consiquence for failure.