Thursday, February 02, 2006

Just one more use for Dogs

For all those dog lovers out there, let me start by saying that I LOVE DOGS...but this story is messed up!

N.Y. - Bound Puppies Used As Drug Couriers -

Kind of makes you wonder what other things Puppies can be used for. Maybe Bush can use them to "curb our reliance on oil." Maybe the indians can get one to play right field in place of Coco Crisp since we traded him away.

Who knows...maybe someday in the future there will be a dog in the whitehouse - wait there already is.


Anonymous said...

How much oil can one sneak into the belly of a puppy? How about plutonium?

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOhhhh, puppies! Those poor little babies. I will save them. (said in my little kid voice)v

Anonymous said...

You know only 50% of those dogs were hurt, and they were probably the ugly ones anyways...