Monday, February 13, 2006

Record Snowfall and God, I feel like *hit

What a crazy last few weeks. We had warmth, cold, and even snow. 26.9 Inches! Now that is a lot of snow!

To top it all off, I have been sick. Was running a 102 fever for a few days last week. The problem with working in a small firm that is that when you are not there, the work does not get done. With all of the deadlines and more work coming in, it can get overwhelming. Needless to say I went to work a few of the days that I should not have and was yelled at by the boss-man...why? Because he didn't want to get sick of course.

I am not sure to what extent this is getting coverage in the news where you are, but this is pretty big news here - and should be pretty big news all over the place. CNN presents an interesting "slant" to the topic.

I am not too sure about this issue. There must be something else going on here. Why would the Bush administration allow such a thing to occur? Surely they are worried about terrorism as much as the rest of us...surely they are worried about being reelecte....wait, they probably just dont give a damn at this point!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would so like to think that this is all being blown out of proportion like everything else in the media, but then I remember that this is the same government who nominated Harriet Meyers. Of course I thought I saw the headline yesterday that Bush didn't even know about this whole deal.