Thursday, August 31, 2006

I find this funny

I find this funny - but may be alone in my belief:

Due to privacy issues, this video was removed.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hong Kong Porn?

Aparently, in Hong Kong, pictures of their celebrities bra strap is considered porn. Who would have known? The best part? Even Jackie Chan is protesting it!
Check out the full article here:Hong Kong Porn

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Wizard - A Classic Movie of Our Time

Today, one of the best films of my short life, hits the dvd market. That movie is none other than "The Wizard." It stared a yound Fred Savage and of all things, Super Mario 3. I remember this film well and plan on purchasing it. You should do the same. The best part was the sweet glove...never had one, but always wanted one!

But it isn't about the cuteness of the kids - however, the girl was cute and now she is the vocals in the band - Postal Service. The movie was about nintendo. It was about the glove. It was about running away from home with your brother to play in a competition and to win it all. It is about being the underdog, and although not having the glove...still being able to win it all.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Mentos + Diet Coke = FUN!

My brother turned me onto these. Pretty funny. I can imagine Chad doing this...

wild. I am glad that I dont eat mentos - it is the freshmaker, afterall.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Insert Picture Here

What a great weekend! Thank you Michael for a great time. Thanks girls for planning it. Thanks Amy and Brian for housing me this weekend, but most of all, thank you Turk for the numerous groin shots throughout the course of the weekend - it was UNFORGETTABLE!

I took some of Ray on the driveway, one of Ray with his pants down and one of Ray trying to play catch with me with a large log from Michael's backyard - however, I have decided to no longer post pictures that are embarrassing to others, I leave that to Kristen.

I did have a movie of sweet and innocent looking Michael, but it does not want to play outside of my phone. So instead, just picture Michael on the couch...making sweet noises from his esophagus while everyone else looks on in aww.

Thanks for a great time in Ohio!

Friday, August 18, 2006


I am very excited about Ohio this weekend, but I thought it was only for Audient's bday. Actually, I learned that the reason I am so excited is because of the smells that I will smell when I exciting!

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Half-Way to Dead

What exactly is a Half-Way to dead party? I can you know? If you are hit by a car tomorrow before said half-way to dead party, do we still have a party?

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Bump in the road

Sometimes a bump in the road is just that, a bump that you can get over with a little more effort; other times it is a mountain that requires you to go around and make a new path.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Cellphones and Toilets and/or Urinals

Does a urinal go together with a cellphone?

I believe the answer to this is no, however, people in NYC believe the answer to be yes.

Over the previous few months here in the city I have noticed an increase in inappropriate behavior as it relates to cell phone use. More and more people are talking about their private lives on the train out loud, more and more people are having inappropriate conversations on the street and more and more people are living their lives through the cell phone rather than in person.

Last week I was reading an article in the local paper. The headline said something like: "People in NYC have less friends than ever before." This is hard to believe since there are so many people. Well, when you think about this, maybe it is not so hard to believe. Today people can easily contact anyone (email or cell phone or text). Instead of the way that things used to be, you have to actually see the person fact to face, now you can just call them and BS with them over the phone with no actual contact. What a sad sad world we live in. People walk down the street now, rarely talking to other people - except those on the end of the phone. Then there is my BIGGEST PEEVE!

I was waiting in Laguardia Airport on Friday and went to use the restroom. There was a short line for the guys, but the idiot in front of me was talking on his phone while we were in the bathroom. This was not too odd, but then he walked to the urinal (the one next to mine) and CONTINUED TO TALK ON THE PHONE. It was the oddest thing. I was trying to let the guys out and he was talking on the damn phone. One hand on the phone and the other elsewhere. Then I finished (took a while - stagefright) and he did not wash his hands! eww.

This morning, I went into the restroom at work and someone was sitting in the first stall talking on the phone. The woman on the other end was talking so loud that I could hear her as well. I tried to flush the toilet a few times, but no luck...he just kept on talking on the phone. COME ON! They need to create a way to prevent cell calls in restrooms, on streets, in trains or anywhere in public.

So I ask you, would this happen in Geneva, Ohio?

Friday, August 11, 2006

Oliver Stone is Behind the Terrorist Plot

This weekend is the premiere of the World Trade Center Movie, aka, Oliver Stone's million dollar project that came as a result of many American lives. I am sure after yesterday, when the US and UK stopped the terrorists from doing this again, Oliver Stone was pissed.

Does anyone else see a problem with Oliver Stone taking a tragedy like this and turning it into a buck? Maybe it is because everytime I speak to someone here, in NYC, about 9/11, they almost come to tears. They always say "I was there, I don't need to see a movie about it." Maybe that is true. We all remember where we were on the day the World Trade Center fell. We all remember the feelings that went through us that day and still continue to this day when we are reminded. So why, oh why, are we going to see this movie? Hollywood does not have enough money? Oliver Stone has not had a hit since he shocked us with JFK? We are giving money to the same people who protested us doing anything about terrorism after the attack on NYC.

I can just imagine that Oliver Stone, although disappointed that his next movie (The Flights That Went Down Between the UK and US) will not happen, but at least he has 9/11.

Browns are Back in Town

Browns vs. Eagles - Preseason Game 1

Everyone says that preseason does not count. It is only a way for the lesser known players to shine and get a place in the lineup. It is a way for the coaches to see how the rookies play in a real game situation. Well I tell you that is bunk! Preseason is a way for the die hard football fans to get a taste for the game. It is a way for those baseball "fans" to see something other than the Boston and Yankees "race." It is a way for grown men to spend 4 hours getting hammered and blame it on the game, rather on their sheer boredom.

For me, preseason marks the start of the NFL season. After a dismal Indians' year, and although I guess Cleveland has a good basketball player - er team, Soccer has long been gone and all I have to look forward to are the Browns.

So how did they do?

Chuck, the Charlie Frey played well. He went 4 for 7 for 23 yards, but the most amazing thing is that he threw to four different receivers. At least thins shows that Frey is looking around the field.

WinSLOW caught 2 passes for 7 yards, but the most amazing thing is that he DID NOT HURT HIMSELF!

Edwards is still not playing, but I would rather him rest until the regular season begins. I am not sure the O-line will hold up to protect Frey and I would like a good go to guy other than WinSLOW.

Defense looked good, keeping it close in the first half. Then Garcia came in and was GREAT - wait...we don't have him anymore. In any case, he looked great against our 3rd team. Way to go guy.

Next? The Lions...didn't they have Garcia last year?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Staying In The City

Quick note:
Many of you know that I was contemplating a move from NYC to Albany, NY to continue my career as an attorney. I was all set to do this and had even told the bossman about this, when bossman made me an offer that I could not turn down. As a result, I will be continuing my time here in NYC at least for the next year.

I hope to continue to post here during that time.


Let's Get Ready For Some Football


What a great time to be a Browns fan. We lost our center, our line is in dismay, our starting tightend has not played in two years, our #1 ranked wideout should not be playing yet and our starting quarterback is named after a McDonald's delicacy.

Nevertheless, I am PSYCHED about the browns starting tonight against Philly. I have my Charlie Frye jersey in my closet (thanks Hils) and the Browns Backers Bars are starting to send their emails. Go Browns Go...woof (thanks Dave).

If any of you are interested in being in a fantasy football league (pretty competitive one with my bro and mdb is in it too) please post a comment to this post.