Does a urinal go together with a cellphone?
I believe the answer to this is no, however, people in NYC believe the answer to be yes.
Over the previous few months here in the city I have noticed an increase in inappropriate behavior as it relates to cell phone use. More and more people are talking about their private lives on the train out loud, more and more people are having inappropriate conversations on the street and more and more people are living their lives through the cell phone rather than in person.
Last week I was reading an article in the local paper. The headline said something like: "People in NYC have less friends than ever before." This is hard to believe since there are so many people. Well, when you think about this, maybe it is not so hard to believe. Today people can easily contact anyone (email or cell phone or text). Instead of the way that things used to be, you have to actually see the person fact to face, now you can just call them and BS with them over the phone with no actual contact. What a sad sad world we live in. People walk down the street now, rarely talking to other people - except those on the end of the phone. Then there is my BIGGEST PEEVE!
I was waiting in Laguardia Airport on Friday and went to use the restroom. There was a short line for the guys, but the idiot in front of me was talking on his phone while we were in the bathroom. This was not too odd, but then he walked to the urinal (the one next to mine) and CONTINUED TO TALK ON THE PHONE. It was the oddest thing. I was trying to let the guys out and he was talking on the damn phone. One hand on the phone and the other elsewhere. Then I finished (took a while - stagefright) and he did not wash his hands! eww.
This morning, I went into the restroom at work and someone was sitting in the first stall talking on the phone. The woman on the other end was talking so loud that I could hear her as well. I tried to flush the toilet a few times, but no luck...he just kept on talking on the phone. COME ON! They need to create a way to prevent cell calls in restrooms, on streets, in trains or anywhere in public.
So I ask you, would this happen in Geneva, Ohio?
There is a core problem in America if a man can't get peace and quiet in the john.
No taking to anyone in the bathroom is the rule, especially at the pisser. And wash up dude.
I hate it when people talk on the phone in the bathroom.
I also hate it when people talk to me in the bathroom, especially when I'm in the stall already and they proceed to carry on conversation whilst we do our respective business.
you should have flushed, then cursed loudly say that "it didn't all go down, damnit!" then flushed like twice more.
I was in the bathroom once and someone answered their phone and I thought she was talking to me so I talked back. Then when she came out on the phone she gave me a dirty look like I was interrupting her conversation. I felt like a big ass.
I think that the response should be this:
Get on your own phone and have a very loud conversation about pot roast or adult diapers or the lawn or something like that.
Make it is as though you are speaking with someone who is hard of hearing. Also stare at the person is fake embarrassment with shrugs of the shoulder and apologetic eyes and mouth “my grandmother”.
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