Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Wizard - A Classic Movie of Our Time

Today, one of the best films of my short life, hits the dvd market. That movie is none other than "The Wizard." It stared a yound Fred Savage and of all things, Super Mario 3. I remember this film well and plan on purchasing it. You should do the same. The best part was the sweet glove...never had one, but always wanted one!

But it isn't about the cuteness of the kids - however, the girl was cute and now she is the vocals in the band - Postal Service. The movie was about nintendo. It was about the glove. It was about running away from home with your brother to play in a competition and to win it all. It is about being the underdog, and although not having the glove...still being able to win it all.


HCG said...

What the Fu.., I mean Wizard.

I always thought Fred Savage was hot. And then his little brother... the one of Boy Meets World was pretty cute as well.

jessafran said...

i always wanted the glove, too. that thing was rad. now i have my sights set on the dance, dance revolution mat.