Friday, August 11, 2006

Oliver Stone is Behind the Terrorist Plot

This weekend is the premiere of the World Trade Center Movie, aka, Oliver Stone's million dollar project that came as a result of many American lives. I am sure after yesterday, when the US and UK stopped the terrorists from doing this again, Oliver Stone was pissed.

Does anyone else see a problem with Oliver Stone taking a tragedy like this and turning it into a buck? Maybe it is because everytime I speak to someone here, in NYC, about 9/11, they almost come to tears. They always say "I was there, I don't need to see a movie about it." Maybe that is true. We all remember where we were on the day the World Trade Center fell. We all remember the feelings that went through us that day and still continue to this day when we are reminded. So why, oh why, are we going to see this movie? Hollywood does not have enough money? Oliver Stone has not had a hit since he shocked us with JFK? We are giving money to the same people who protested us doing anything about terrorism after the attack on NYC.

I can just imagine that Oliver Stone, although disappointed that his next movie (The Flights That Went Down Between the UK and US) will not happen, but at least he has 9/11.


Anonymous said...

It's for this very reason that I won't see this movie. What is the point in reliving this tragedy only 5 years later.

Anonymous said...

I guess to me this is like a WWII vet complaining about Saving Private Ryan. It's not that I don't think someone who actually lived it has the right to their anger, but the rest of us have the right to see it if we like.

Just the commercial was upsetting to me but that won't stop me from seeing it. To me it's a form of tribute, especially because Stone could have chosen to go his usual route and pick apart the event itself.

Instead he chose to glorify (maybe too much) two men who risked their lives to save thousands. Yes thousands of people died that day, but thousands lived. I don't see anything wrong with celebrating heros.

I get why you might not like the theme of the movie, but just don't watch it, if thats the case.

And there's my 2 cents.

Anonymous said...

I won't see it. I can't stand to watch anything else about that day. The planes flying in, the people falling, the dust clouds, the building exploding, the guy from CNBC with debris on his bald head all day.
I watched the doings for a week straight and saw everything I will ever need to know the magnitude and tragedy of that day. If you want to see human emotions, maybe take a look at the children putting up pictures of lost parents.
And the most upsetting part of it all is how much money the Bushites have spent in retaliation with no moral compass and no effect.
If you want to begrudge Stone for telling a very human story, that's your call. I am more pissed off by the war profiteers and our government that encourages them than the artists