Thursday, February 23, 2006

When is it Okay to Give Up?

For quite a few years I have been involved in a program that has given me a lot of good times and great friends. I have often wondered to what extent I would have met these people had I not joined this organization. However, the question remains that at what point do you pack up and walk away?

For sometime there have been things that I am not happy with, directions that should not be taken, disorganized that can only lead to chaos, but I have always thought that I was somehow in control. I think it is a slap into reality that first time that something gets screwed up and you were not even in the loop. How can you really be in an organization at a leadership level when there is the potential for screw up and although your ass is on the line you really have no control?

For the many friends, I am in debt. For the many headaches, I have acid reflux. But for the many potential future problems that I can no longer control - no thanks. The question still stands...At what point do you feel that you have given back to a program enough that you can walk away?


Anonymous said...

Although some people are benefited by staying involved, I think everyone can be improved by taking a break for a while.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Give me a call if you need to vent. You know I will always listen. I can give advice and totally relate to where you are.

Anonymous said...

It is time to go. Think about it from a new member's point of view. Wow this org is really awesome I can't wait to become further involved. Oh wait there's no room because all these old people are hogging the leadership positions. I guess I'll have to wait until someone dies.

You do know that these 18 & 19 yr old kids think you're old don't you?

Professor Bacher said...

I know that I think I am old - I can only imagine what the youngins think!

Here is the thing. Where no one else is stepping up to do things, and I step up after no one else does, then am I still just taking up space?

Mrs. Bebout is a brilliant individual, indeed!

Anonymous said...

She is in deed.
James, if you continue to step up no one else has to, therefore, they don't.
I know it is hard to quit. The good times and the bad times make it that way. It becomes a large part of your life, even more so for you and the other board members. I have been gone for years and still talk about it at parties.
But are you getting out of it what you want? Does it still feel like your contribution is appreciated? Is there something else you want to accomplish in the program? Are you giving the same top notch effort you used to or are you going just to see your friends?
When it is time to move back or on, you will know. When the time comes, take action and don't stay too long.

Anonymous said...

I like to provide part humor part sage wisdom. ctm (chuckle to myself; not quite deserving of a full lol)

Anonymous said...

Hey now, I think Jamie is old everyday.
I've seen the organization from the inside. Although I am young, I will never ever ever take on another leadership position as long as a live. Model UN is not that important to me. And Patterson has warped me... for life.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what got so screwed up that you are feeling this way right now.

The conference this Fall, with the move to Cleveland, that's going to be a huge deal. It would be nice to see you see it through to at least that.

But in the end, you have to want to do it. I took my walk away, now I nibble a little at the margins. And I admit, it is a lot more fun for me now than it has been for awhile.

If you want to talk about it, you know where to find me.

Anonymous said...

You'll know when the time has come. It happens to the best of us. When you get there, it's a very liberating experience.