Friday, June 09, 2006

I Saw a Rat

The other day while I was waiting for the V train at 42nd Street Bryant Park, I was feeling quite down on myself about my job, life, money and the weather. While I was having a bit of a pitty party for myself, my eyes travelled down to the tracks, life so many times I have in the past. Those of you who have witnessed a NYC subway stop know that no matter what they do to the station walls and walkways, there is nothing they can do about the tracks and the filth that is always left behind.

Within this filth is adventure. You always have something to look at while you are waiting, be it an umbrella, jacket, human finger or disposed of condom. Watching all of these things always lets your mind wonder about how those things found their way to the subway floor: what did that person do with the condom that caused him to lose his finger and the umbrella he was holding because he had lost his jacket... We may never know.

The best thing about this particular time is that it was raining pretty heavily outside, the result of which made little rivers in the bed of the subway floor. All the debris flowed by quickly and even the rats come out to play - afterall, it isn't everyday that they have a waterpark to enjoy!

So while this one rat was playing in the waterpark, I noticed that he was attempting to carry something across the tracks. Wouldn't you know, it was a full sized red delicious apple! This rat had an apple that was equal to his size in his mouth. He was trying to get the apple over 3 sets of tracks towards my side of the train. It was an amazing thing. I would love to show it to you, but by the time I got my phone out to take the picture, the train had come and the rat was below.

Little did I know that by not paying attention to the train, I found myself on the wrong train...but that is another story. On this day I learned that not only can you do more than you think when push comes to shove, but also, rats try to eat healthy as well.


Anonymous said...

What a healthy rat.

Maybe he was starting in 'Charlotte's Web: Pig in the City'?

Anonymous said...

Wow.. rats, fingers, condoms, AND Stephanie look alikes? Sounds like the NYC subway is the place to be!

Anonymous said...

Next time you should follow said rat into his lair and try to glean subway wisdom from him in the style of Nicodemus. If there is a crow down there speaking in the voice of Dom DeLuise, steer clear, he'll only get you into trouble.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me you packed the finger on ice for me. And if you did, I'll tell you what I was doing with that condom.

Anonymous said...

That was a wonderful story. I was right in the subway looking at that rat with you. I did not look at the rubber b/c that skeeves me and then I would want to just walk home.
But you made the story of the a rat heart warming.


Anonymous said...

Leave it to a lawyer to tell a cute story about a rat!