Friday, June 30, 2006

Pussycat Dolls Takeover of New York

Pussycat Dolls Takeover of New York
How Bryant Park went to the cats...

As the Good Morning America/ABC Summer Concert Series continues, this week finds a group of young tight-bodied, bitchy-looking, females take over the stage in Bryant Park.

Here I thought this group was one of those "movie" bands that did not actually exist. To my surprise, I found that the Pussycat Dolls have such hits you may recall from the radio such as Don't cha (the Latino version of the cha cha made famous so many years ago by that chacita banana woman) and Beep (a remake of that gradeschool classic - The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round). Of course, this band does not only do remakes, they also have a few original projects, such as Stickwitu (a song about an Indian princess and a stick) and I Don't Need a Man (come on, they are all lesbians).

This concert disappointed me a little because there were so many old men standing by screaming. This one man, Joe, was nice enough to stop his screaming to speak to me for a little while.

I will give this concert 2 out of 5 sunburned fingers. The girls were cute, but their children songs did nothing for me. And, what's the story with the girl on the left in the picture. Wasn't she in Beverly Hills 90210? She was the ugly one, right?


Anonymous said...

That's actually a sun burned thigh, but I appreciate you thinking it small enough to be a finger. It's flattering to both my thighs and my camera phone.

I also adore the rating system and hope that it continues unabated.

Finally, Don't Ya is one of my current favorite pop hits. I will act it out for you this weekend wearing boy shorts and a tank top.

Anonymous said...

I would sing along with Kristen... if I was there. I enjoy their songs.

Anonymous said...

You'd have to sing a different song though Hilary because you are his girlfriend. Perhaps Britneys, "Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman."